Friday, March 30, 2012

Bees and Pesticides

In Europe, bees are experiencing pesticides issues that deal with affecting the bee population. Also, the queen bees are especially getting affected by the pesticides. This is very unfortunate because of the bees are a very beneficial for what they produce. No bees means no honey or wax. In my thought, if spiders were dying I wouldn't care, honestly. Despite bees being dangerous, I would actually feel sympathetic for the bees if they all died.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Trayvon Martin

            Trayvon Martin was young boy who didn’t deserve to die at a young age. Trayvon Martin, prior to getting shot, had a lot of flaws in the past, but his life was precious to all his family. Despite me not knowing him, I was very upset about hearing his death over a racial, stereotypical issue. Stereotypes should not cover excuses for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin’s assailant, George Zimmerman, should be charged for his false accusation of Trayvon Martin.
            George Zimmerman is a man that is part of a neighborhood watch program, who happened to shoot Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman, however, claims to be self defense, and I doubt Trayvon Martin even had a gun with him. George Zimmerman does not deserve to have a crime go unpunished. The murder of Trayvon Martin should not be put to the side and should just be brought to justice.
            George Zimmerman has no right to come free from his crime. Trayvon’s death will also not be in vain, and no one will forgot him. His death will be a major reminder of racial stereotypes, like Emmett Till. From my knowledge of crime George Zimmerman is like the white man who killed Emmett  Till, and all racism in the world should end.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Apple Workers

            The production of apple products has been around for many years and they have provided us entertainment and joy. Apple has lead in the production of touch screen technology in the past and today. However, the production team in China is facing risky task in the production of apple technology. Recently, China has experienced an explosion through a combustible dust. Many were injured through the explosion and one man was harmed through the torso and up. The news I heard was very disturbing and the employees not only lack sleep, but they’re risking their lives just for our entertainment on the touch screens.
            Apple products tend to do a lot of work for apple, but the jobs doesn’t provide them enough money to it’s worth. Money is always needed for providing for yourself or children. More money should be provided, and it will allow employees to feel that working for apple is less hard. Otherwise, if money is lacking they should quit the apple company. Despite our pleasure, money or not they should never work for a job that risky, regardless.
            Apple productions should also prioritize with better protective equipment that can lead to fewer deaths. If this combustible dust issue was also solved and can be avoided then the company would be a much safer environment to work in. Although, all issues can be met if apple supplied less detrimental issues towards the company, and factories for apple would be safer. With the amount money apple receives, they should be able to provide safe equipment as well which shouldn’t be a bigger problem then the dust.

Missing African American

             An African-American woman was recently kidnapped, and has been abducted for a long time. Police haven’t showed that they searched for the young African American woman. Unfortunately, she has started missing for months and eventually for years. Relating to the situation of the abducted African-American woman, a blonde haired-blue eyed citizen of the United States was lost in Aruba and has been searched for a long time. Eventually, the United States Citizen was not founded and they gave up on the search. This search lasted for months; then it eventually lasted for years. In my point of view, the search party should have focused more on the African-American woman, then on the Aruba search. The search in Aruba is very slim compared to the search for the African-American woman in the United States. This issue could have been solved for saving the African-American woman if they focused on finding her than on finding that missing man on Aruba.
            Despite the policemen saying they will find the missing person, it will always vary based on what race they are. Whether their black or white the policemen will react a certain way toward the situation. A policeman’s quality will change toward all minorities in terms of crime. The police are not loyal towards African-Americans and they need to show respect and loyalty towards all citizens of America.  More loyalty towards all citizens equal less abductions and possibly deaths in the United States or anywhere.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pink Slime in the Meat

Grocery stores have recently been discovered that the meat they sold was false, and the meat contains un-edible meat that is crunched together to produce the meat products for the grocery stores. Knowing about the meat the stores are containing inside, it is very disgusting and gross. The information about is in the meat is very sickening towards my stomach and it would make think twice before eating. In my perspective, I thought the McDonalds and other fast food establishments were false meals, but certain grocery stores as well. The pink slime can not only gross people out, but it can possibly get people to have a fear of eating meat, and perhaps create a phobia known as “meat phobia.”
Unfortunately for me, I am a man of my meat, and I love to eat beef and chicken, and now I am not sure anymore. If this issue on the pink slime keeps occurring it can lead to various problems and controversy. The stores might as well sell stale meat much less sell the pink slime. This pink slime should be boycotted and never be made with crushed up meat ever again. If this issue has ever been met towards the government; the government should not allow stores or anywhere else to have meat made up of this. If you want to avoid stores with the false meat products do not go to Wal-Mart.
Despite stores with false meat products, not every store contains false meat, thankfully. The stores that I recommend to get meat that is not made with pink slime are Publix and Whole foods. Luckily, these places are where I get my meat products. The pink slime, however, can be avoided altogether if people began to eat more vegetables. Vegetables may not be as tasty to most people or even to me, but it is not a bad substitute because the whole of food is to gain nourishment for the body rather than for joy. It may be a huge transition for most meat eaters like myself, but pink slime is not what I want to have on the menu for eating, and it is just flat-out gross.
Meat may provide protein for the body, but legumes can also provide protein for the body, as well. The idea of meat being pink slime is not the type of meat I will just let slide. If I, personally, want to eat something pink and slimy, I might as well eat pink laffy taffy. Artificial goods have been around for decades and McDonalds is the most notorious of the whole food serving service, but family grocery stores can cause great fear, and now and the future will cause people to not shop their anymore. Overall, the pink slime, again, should be boycotted off the face if America, and never mentioned ever again.

Drew Brees: Being Bullied

Drew Brees has recently talked about the issues about bullying and has address the issue. Bullying is a major issue that everybody, including me, has experienced. Fortunately, Drew Brees, as a big influence in football, also knows how bullying feels. He has experienced verbal bullying which was about a birthmark he has. The kids said many insults and let the insults rub off. Drew Brees wants to get the message that all children should not let it affect you. Everybody, including me, had experienced bullying at least once and we all should not let the insults happen. Here the link to this inspirational video.

Monday, March 12, 2012

African-American woman abduction

             An African-American woman was recently kidnapped, and has been abducted for a long time. Police haven’t showed that they searched for the young African American woman. Unfortunately, she has started missing for months and eventually for years. Relating to the situation of the abducted African-American woman, a blonde haired-blue eyed citizen of the United States was lost in Aruba and has been searched for a long time. Eventually, the United States Citizen was not founded and they gave up on the search. This search lasted for months; then it eventually lasted for years. In my point of view, the search party should have focused more on the African-American woman, then on the Aruba search. The search in Aruba is very slim compared to the search for the African-American woman in the United States. This issue could have been solved for saving the African-American woman if they focused on finding her than on finding that missing man on Aruba.
            Despite the policemen saying they will find the missing person, it will always vary based on what race they are. Whether their black or white the policemen will react a certain way toward the situation. A policeman’s quality will change toward all minorities in terms of crime. The police are not loyal towards African-Americans and they need to show respect and loyalty towards all citizens of America.  More loyalty towards all citizens equal less abductions and possibly deaths in the United States or anywhere.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Blog about Me

Hello, my name is Jonathan Osazee and I am a student from North Atlanta High school, and Secretary of SGA. I enjoy many things such as: Drawing, video games, reading. These are personal leisures that I enjoy most. Those are particular hobbies I enjoy most inside, but the hobbies I enjoy in terms of sports are basketball, football, and baseball. Like hobbies, I enjoy many foods and I eat a lot of foods, as well. I eat a lot for a small guy like me I eat a lot of foods. There are many things I love, but the main things I enjoy most are just enjoying life as a Christian.

The Media

Hello, my name is Jonathan Osazee and I am young teen who has aspirations to be something big with ideas and wisdom. In my first entry of my fun blogs, I will write about the media, and I think you may find something interesting about what I write. In terms of media, I love movies and news of certain topics. Despite my love for the media, I don't like pop culture, it is very inappropriate and I don't approve of the idea. In recent news, a lot of things have occurred in terms of nationally and internationally. The Syria regime is continuing and it has killed many people as a result of that. The news has a lot of issues that are being dealt with and to conclude this blog I wish all issues would be solved, "If only that would happen."

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The New iPad 3

Apple is working on a new iPad known as the “iPad 3.” The iPad 3 is expected to be a great addition to the Apple products. Apple has just recently spoke on it, and many people are going to buy it. I would buy it also if I had the money unfortunately. Although, if you love smart tablets then I would recommend this to anyone reading this blog. This is my personal shut out to Apple, “Great Work!” 

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

APS Schools Closing

Errol Davis, super-intendent for APS, has recently decided to close or re-locate more than eight schools. The idea is risky for most APS district parents who have already adapted to having their children in the current schools closing. The process of moving schools or closing them would be a huge transition for APS schools. The schools that are ending are Park Middle School, Capitol View Middle School, and Thomasville Height Elementary. APS has gone through many changes over the decades, but this change is the biggest in APS history.
