Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Trayvon Martin

            Trayvon Martin was young boy who didn’t deserve to die at a young age. Trayvon Martin, prior to getting shot, had a lot of flaws in the past, but his life was precious to all his family. Despite me not knowing him, I was very upset about hearing his death over a racial, stereotypical issue. Stereotypes should not cover excuses for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin’s assailant, George Zimmerman, should be charged for his false accusation of Trayvon Martin.
            George Zimmerman is a man that is part of a neighborhood watch program, who happened to shoot Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman, however, claims to be self defense, and I doubt Trayvon Martin even had a gun with him. George Zimmerman does not deserve to have a crime go unpunished. The murder of Trayvon Martin should not be put to the side and should just be brought to justice.
            George Zimmerman has no right to come free from his crime. Trayvon’s death will also not be in vain, and no one will forgot him. His death will be a major reminder of racial stereotypes, like Emmett Till. From my knowledge of crime George Zimmerman is like the white man who killed Emmett  Till, and all racism in the world should end.

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